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RE: filmscanners: VueScan and white pixel clipping SS4000

On Sun, 08 Jul 2001 21:03:03 -0500  Stan Schwartz (snsok@swbell.net) 

> What's OTT?

Over The Top; excessive

> Also, I am actually scanning at 12-bits; that's the spec on the SS4000. 
> PS
> treats the image like a 16-bit.  Is that introducing any problem?

No. The 12 bit output is padded to 16bits for compatability, that's all.

> Any idea what the fairly evenly spaced "whiskers" on the histogram
> represent?

If not actual subject luminances, then usually you'd expect them to 
indicate rounding errors during processing. They need not alarm you, 
you'll find they vanish on conversion to 8bit.


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner 
info & comparisons


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