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Re: filmscanners: Colour fix problem

1. use the eyedropper to sample a midtone that contains the color cast
     (I used a point on the MIG's fuselage between the wing and the number)
2. fill a new layer with the sampled color and invert the layer
3. change the layers blend mode to 'color' and reduce opacity to suit (~50%)

Bob Wright
----- Original Message -----
From: Ian Boag <ianboag@partslink.co.nz>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 10:26 AM
Subject: filmscanners: Colour fix problem

> I have attached two heavily crunched down photos. I am looking for help
> here on how to fix one of them. Last year I went to the RAF museum at
> Hendon. I took pictures on regular Fuji 200 film using a Konica Revio APS
> camera. I also had an Agfa 1680 digicam. The museum has some kind of arc
> lighting which came out all green in the prints. It scans like that too.
> See greenmig.jpg (the pic is a Mig-15). The scan was done on a Kodak
> FD-300. Comes out much the same whether I use their auto fix on scanning
> not. The digicam took a picture that looks about right (see digimig.jpg).
> Generally the FD-300 does a job that I am happy with.
> My problem is how to fix the green scans. If I just throw in magenta
> correction I eventually get the plane looking right, but the roof and
> surroundings go bad. The situation is complicated of course by the fact
> that the camera suffers from vignetting at full aperture on max wide.
> Any ideas would be gratefully accepted.
>         Ian Boag


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