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Re: filmscanners: Re: filmscanners: Best film scanner, period!!!

Brad writes:

> As taught in every law school, you've had a counter
> argument for any and every point raised, without, as
> I remember, ever recognizing that there might be
> some validity to the point being made or, as I
> can remember, offering a thank you to those spending
> their time in trying to offer suggestions.

All of the points raised involved making changes (usually rebuilding the system)
to accommodate an LS-4000 that is not compatible with SCSI and Windows NT--but
this is something that I had already ruled out, so those points were moot.

I originally wanted to know what _other_ scanner supporting SCSI and Windows NT
might be the equal of the LS-4000.  The Polaroid SS4000 has been suggested, so I
am considering that, although I still have some questions about the dynamic
range, and it is essential that this range be equal to or greater than the
LS-2000, since I scan mostly slides.

> Clearly you already know that your problem is
> insolvable!!!!  It is obvious what your only solution is.

See above.


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