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Re: filmscanners: Slightly OT -- Apple Studio Monitor Brightness

Yes, so you'd think.  But the manual is entirely innocent of any
instructions on adjusting brightness, and the monitor itself has no sliders
or knobs, just a button depicting what appears to be a "brightness" logo (a
sun with rays extending outward), but which, when pressed summons a contrast
but no brightness control.  Surely there are Mac-ers on this list.  Or is
there another forum to which I should take this question?

----- Original Message -----
From: shAf <rarewolf@roadrunner.nf.net>
>     The instructions ask you to adjust the 'hardware' brightness and
> contrast.  I'm not familiar with the Apple monitors, but all monitors
> should provide a means for adjusting the B & C (and numurous other
> attibutes) via either knobs or buttons on the front of the monitor ...
> consult your monitor's manual ... return all the software values to
> their factory defaults and start again.
> hth ... shAf  :o)


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