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filmscanners: 110 negs, revisited

The discussion on 110/16mm negs fascinates me. Rather than speculate
further, I dug out some of my 110 negs and tried to lay them in my own Acer
film-carrier, stacked 1 above the other.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my 110 negs are decidedly bowed on
the horizontal axis. Result: they don't want to lay flat in there at all
(and, as I figured, do not line up well with the vertical posts)--they
weren't the least bit cooperative. With ends flapping around on 1 or both
sides (mine were cut in 5" strips at the lab), there's *no way* I'm going to
put them into a closed scanner--I can see the feeder-jam as if it had
already happened!

So it's back to square 1--the 2x2 slide adapter or the cludge. I'm thinking
2 pieces of thin, rigid clear plastic (for the Acer--I don't know what other
carriers look like), but there's no way to get that into a Scanwit
film-carrier without some major modification. The slide-carrier would handle
it (just as it does slide stock), but again with major modifications.

I'm shocked and amazed that, given the onetime popularity of 110 and
Minox-type miniature cameras, that <some> scanner company doesn't have a
readily-available carrier for those films. I suggest calling/emailing all
the companies that fit your optical requirements and trying to "nail their
foot to the floor" about miniature formats. :-)

Best regards, and good luck--LRA

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