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[filmscanners] RE: Printer drivers at 720ppi

Good, I am glad you not only confirmed my recollection but elucidated on
it since I have reached an age where my memory chips may be beginning to
fade. :-)

filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk <> wrote:
> At 10:33 AM -0500 10/24/03, LAURIE SOLOMON wrote:
>> It is funny that you should mention the 240 figure; I also remember
>> a long sdiscussion ont he old Leben Epson Inkjet printer list in
>> which it was finally concluded that the 240 ppi/dpi number was the
>> optimum resolution to send to the printer and any files greater than
>> that were a waste of processing time and storage space since the
>> printers would reduce the resolution down to the 240 ppi/dpi and the
>> output would show only a relatively small improvement over files
>> with original resolutions of 240 ppi/dpi.  It was also said that
>> this small improvement stopped once the file resolution sent to the
>> printer went over 300 or 360 ppi/dpi.
>       At the risk of prolonging a rather OT discussion, I can put
> in my $.02 worth. I was one of the people from the old Leben list who
> did some printer resolution tests - printing files at 240, 300, 360
> and 353.359 ppi (the last was to determine if indeed an even multiple
> was advantageous to the printer). I tested an Epson1160 and 1270
> (both rather obsolete now, so things may have changed).
>       I examined the prints with a 4x loupe and could see a slight
> improvement from 240 to 300 and on up to 360. The 353.359 ppi print
> was identical to the 360 in terms of sharpness. I concluded from this
> test that, at least for a regular photographic image (as opposed to a
> test chart), there was some advantage to going above 240ppi, but not
> much, especially considering the dramatically increased file sizes.
> Regards,
> Roger Smith
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