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[filmscanners] Re: Advice needed on Photoshop

Everyone has their own method it seems; this is mine.  I assume you have
layers and masking, if not this obviously won't work.

Make a copy layer.  Adjust one layer for best result on the dark area -
using "levels" should be enough or curves if you have it.  Adjust the other
layer for best result on the lighter area.  Make sure in particular you
match the apparent contrast of the two image versions, as this is what
looks odd if not done well.  Make a layer mask on the top layer and then
apply a black to white gradient to the mask.  This will select the bottom
layer at one end and fade to the top layer at the other end. You can change
the mask as much as you want until you get the effect you want, and you can
"detail" the mask for special areas like highlights just by using the
paintbrush with suitable feathered edge on top of the gradient - paint over
the gradient.


>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Mike Bloor" <admin@seratel.ie>
>To: <anthony@atkielski.com>
>Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 19:03
>Subject: [filmscanners] Advice needed on Photoshop
> > I have a slide of a building (the treasury in Petra), lit only by candles
> > standing in front of it.  This means that the top half of the building is
> > much darker than the bottom.  While retaining this effect to some degree,
> > would like to lighten the top of the building and leave the bottom as it
> >
> > Is there some way I can use Photoshop to lighten the slide progressively
> > from say 0% at the bottom to 50% at the top ?
> >
> > I have Photoshop LE 5.0, so I might be missing some of the more esoteric
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Mike Bloor
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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