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[filmscanners] Re: Which is better - Canon,Nikon,Minolta - Please advise...

You can use an freeware program called twbatch.exe that write directily from
the scanner to disk in tiff format.

Very simple to use. You start to scan, go to dinner, and then you have your
negs o slides in the hardisk.

Look at   http://www.goof.com/~mmead/TwainTiffBatcher/

Jorge Talkowski, Buenos Aires

> required to batch 6 frames on a strip at 4000dpi?  Say no more...
> Imagine trying to batch an 40 frame APS roll!  Since I've got quite a
> bit of APS film (stuff my wife shoots) this software solution is no
> good.  But certainly SilverFast could handle it.  Wait, Silverfast
> doesn't support the FS4000 yet.  There is that other program,
> Vuescan...which probably works fine.
> IF there are others here who have the Canon and can honestly dispute my
> findings, I'd love to hear from you because the price is soooo right on
> the Canon!

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