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[filmscanners] Re: Flextight Photo on loan - got two questions

Someone else has confirmed that the emulsion is up in the Flex.  It does
look like the light source is in the bottom so your guidance was indeed



On 27/4/02 8:53 pm, "Austin Franklin" <darkroom@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

>> The Getting Started manual states in two places that the film is
>> inserted in
>> the holder emulsion side up.  However, the Flextight Photo manual states
>> that the film should be loaded emulsion side down.
> Hi Simon,
> At least with the Leafscan 45, you DO load the film into the holder emulsion
> side down, AND the holder is placed in the scanner upside down, therefore
> emulsion side up...so for the Leaf, what you say makes perfect
> sense...except the Leaf has the CCD on the top, and the light source is on
> the bottom.  I am guessing with the Imacon, the light source is on the top,
> and the CCD on the bottom?
> Either way, the emulsion faces the CCD, just like in an enlarger, the
> emulsion faces the paper...  Check to see if the holder goes in upside down,
> which would make both statements you said correct.
> Austin

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