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[filmscanners] Re: Blackpoint & noise, was grain

Atlessandro wrote:
>Yes, now I see it (saved the jpegs and cranked magnification up to 400% in
>And, sorry, but I have no idea of where it may come from... The obvious
>solution is to scan with bp=0% and modify the image later in PS with levels
>or curves (which also gives you more flexibility), but I understand that
>this is no answer to your question.

Thanks for trying anyway!

>BTW, what Vuescan version are you using?

The 'latest' release - if there ever is such a thing  :-) 7.5.

It's a bit annoying because I sometimes want to batch scan a pile of images 
with a slightly clipped black point to get a fairly contrasty result for 
previewing.  But the introduced grain/noise/whatever (and it is often a lot 
worse than my example) stops that working well.

When I get the scanner out again, I'll try using its software and see if it 
gives the same result, in which case I won't blame Vuescan and annoy Ed when he 
returns from holidays..   ;-)

mark t

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