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filmscanners: Still Frustrated with SilverFast

I'd like to thank people for the suggestions on my last post. However, I am 
still struggling after trying some of the recommendations.

I did update to 5.2.  I've tried it as both PS Plug-In and Twain.

My configuration is Win 98/633MHz/512MB/PS5.5.

My biggest problem is that it crashes the system when it loads up much of 
the time, especially if it has been used once already.  So I have to do a 
reboot after each scan.  My email toLaserSoft Customer Service has been 
unanswered in over a day, which I consider unacceptable for a professional 
product that really jacked up the price of the scanner.  If anyone has 
fixed problems with crashing due to Silverfast, I'd be interested to know 
how to fix it.

The other problem I have is with the preview window.  For some reason, this 
continued after a complete remove and re-install operation.  The preview 
window shrinks down to the control buttons at the left for any medium 
format size except 6x4.5.  I trashed existing scans, I tried to pull the 
window (which will only go down), but when I have the size on anything but 
645, it just won't do anything.

The manual wasn't particularly useful since it said the preview pane can be 
pulled at the border.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Jeff Spirer
Photos: http://www.spirer.com
One People: http://www.onepeople.com/


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