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Re: filmscanners: Polaroid 120 carrier doesn't line up

This is one area where I likes how HP dealt with this in their S-20

The unit made a full pre-scan of the film strip, and then you went into
a software area which allowed you to adjust the frame indicators, and
you could move this bars around on your screen.  This means you could
change the distances for panoramic frames, or half-frames, or whatever
you needed.

It actually worked quite well.


rafeb wrote:
> At 07:14 PM 7/16/01 +0100, Ian Lyons wrote:
> > New carriers won't cure this problem, but a firmware update will fix it
> >real easy. So don't let Polaroid go bust.
> Ironically, the "best" solution to this problem that
> I have seen is in the Epson 1640 TWAIN 5 driver.
> Since the TPU (transparency unit) really has no idea
> what sort of media you're presenting, it simply
> scans the entire 4x5 area of the TPU in the preview
> window.  Then all you do is select the frame you
> want with the crop window.  What could be simpler?
> And there's absolutely no reason that the Nikon 8000
> and/or Polaroid LS-120 couldn't offer the same
> approach.  I don't see why they tried to take it
> upon themselves to "guess" the image locations,
> and then fail miserably at their horrid guesses.
> It's one of those situations that leaves you
> wondering, "What were they thinking??"
> I would rank this among the major annoyances with
> the Nikon Scan software on the 8000.
> rafe b.


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