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Re: filmscanners: the grain question/choice of scanner/FS4000 by Canon

On Sun, 1 Jul 2001 12:30:33 +0200  Tomasz Zakrzewski (tomzakrz@ka.onet.pl) 

> I like grain in film very much. Especially b&w. Sharp grain in a b&w 
> print
> is for me a must (I'm talking about my pictures on Kodak T-max 3200, 
> Ilford
> Delta 100/400, HP5Plus, not my Pentax 6x7 where I want grainless 
> pictures).
> Can I hope that after having scanned a negative (color or b&w) and 
> having
> made some necessary corrections (i.e. removing unwanted details) and
> exposing on the Fuji Frontier minilab I get the same quality picture as 
> if I
> made the print straight from the negative? 

IME no, not with scanners at this level. Aliasing will change the 
appearance of grain substantially. You will probably need to scan at 
8000-12000ppi to get an accurate rendition of grain.

> Or will I get softer 
> pictures/

Not softer, just different - often with more apparent grain, but it's a 
different patterning.

> lesser color balance/with faults in contrast?
Given a decent scanner and software, this depends on operator ability. 
However remember you gain vast amounts of flexibility over darkroom 


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner 
info & comparisons


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