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RE: filmscanners: It's OptiCal I meant

Wouldn't ColorVision have a record of your purchase?  If so, they should send 
you a new Key Installer program on request, and you can then run the latest 
version of OptiCal that is available for download from their web site.

Paul Chefurka

-----Original Message-----
From: PAUL GRAHAM [mailto:peegee@btinternet.com]
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 12:17 PM
To: Filmscanners@Halftone. Co. Uk
Subject: filmscanners: It's OptiCal I meant

Hi all,
Realised my past posting was confusing:

Does anyone have OptiCal (the ColorVision programme) for the monitor spyder
for PC that they can send me? I have found that my programme is corrupted,
and simply can't find my disk. I just have the spyder!

thanks, and please send any mail off-list,



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