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Re: filmscanners: OK, Vuescan is driving me nuts

Or move it incrementally one pixel at a time in any direction using the 
arrow keys.


>You definitely can reset the crop outline in Photoshop. Or alter it. Easily.
>In contrast with PSP, or some other programs, what you do in PS is:
>1 Use Marquee tool to draw box outline. It can also be a circle, etc.
>2.To add to the box, hold shift key down (don't have to) and redraw box, 
>or just redraw the box. Curser defaults to "+", so the default is to add 
>to the box. If you want to subtract in any way from the box, hold shift 
>and Option key down (at least on the Mac). Box will redraw to smaller box. 
>If you hold down just the Option key when redrawing the marquee outline, 
>the curser shows a "-" (minus), meaning that wnen you crop, the contents 
>of that outline will be deleted from the image, leaving you with a "frame" 
>section of the image. Option/Shift gets you a smaller box; the curser 
>contains neither a "+", or  "-".
>3. Alternately, to resize the marquee outline arbitrarily, any side, 
>execute "transform selection" from the Select Menu. You have other choices 
>as well to modify the marquee outline, such precise grow/shrink.
>4. After selecting "Transform Selection", you have handles at corners to 
>rotate, pull/push, you can grab any side to pull/push, and in general do 
>anything you want to modify the marquee outline. Extremely userful when 
>attempting to "level" an image with the horizon. When done, push enter
>5. And, you can go back to any stage at any time to redo (if not saved and 
>reopened)  by looking over the "history".. (That is something I would like 
>PS to incorporate - saved history - but it would significantly increase 
>the size of the file)
>Nope. Photoshop didn't leave anything out. And you can do anything of the 
>above in 8 or 16 bit mode, plus use the marquee outlines in a variety of 
>other ways, such as have more than one marquee; e.g. one box inside the 
>other - for a cutout frame, for example, Or two independent marquees. Or 
>the marquee outline can become a mask, which can be saved. On and on.

Larry Berman




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