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     áòèé÷ :: Filmscanners
Filmscanners mailing list archive (filmscanners@halftone.co.uk)

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filmscanners: ADMIN: Back at last

A month ago the hard disk died messily on the machine I use for email and 
admin this list, a Dell laptop. A long and sorry tale involving Dabs.co.uk 
saw them 'lose' the replacement they shipped to me, and there has been an 
ongoing dispute which was only resolved Monday this week when they 
finally sent a replacement for the lost item. Whilst I was meanwhile able 
to see incoming mail on my local mailserver, it wasn't possible for me to 
install a mail client with all the filters and mailboxes necessary. This 
is now sorted, everything restored from backup and working.

I can only apologise for my absence in the intervening period, and failure 
to attend to admin. - especially servicing 'approve' requests from people 
wanting to get on or off the list. I believe I have now cleared the 
backlog of requests - just another 24Mb of mail to attend to:(


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner 
info & comparisons


Copyright © Lexa Software, 1996-2009.