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Re: filmscanners: Quickscan

Richard: You will no doubt be deluged with lots of answers to this and your 
question. It appears that you are about to take the plunge into the swamp of
filmscanning... To answer your last question first..
1. ICE is always better than no ICE...  That then leaves the question of how 
can you afford to spend and what are your goals in scanning your own film..
I shoot architecture for a living... I learned long ago to buy the best I can
(within reason) instead of starting cheap and then having to buy what I should 
bought in the first place.... If you are looking to scan 35mm for professional
purposes, then you should be looking at the Minolta SCan Elite or Nikon LS 2000 
even the Kodak scanner (even tho it doesn't have ICE)... Anyhting less will 
have you
feeling cramped... These scanners will be available at reduced prices (if they
aren't already) due to the new Nikons that are coming on the market... you may 
to consider an LS 40 Nikon, altho it might be wise to wait until the initial 
debugging has had a chance to take place...  If you are looking for something 
costly than the scanners I have mentioned, I am sure that there are several 
who can steer you in the right direction....

2. As far as color correction... I would suggest as a start that you look for a 
book .... if you are using Photoshop, there is a book called Photoshop 5 & 5.5 
Photographers by Barry Haynes and Wendy Crumpler, published by New Riders... it 
set you back somewhere around $50... but it is well worth it... Haynes explains 
ins and outs of color calibration and correction from a photographer's 
viewpoint and
gives you a CD so you can follow the step by step examples in the book... after
that, you will have to swim with the sharks until you figure out how to get your
liferaft built... Good luck and welcome to filmscanning...

Mike M.

Richard Starr wrote:

> There are a few refurbed Minolta Quickscan 35s on ebay for a good price ($269
> US, buy-it-now).  Tony's review for the Minolta Dualscan is quite positive.
> Does anyone know how this machine compares?  The Acer has Ice.  Does that 
>make a
> big difference when considering a purchase on the low end?
> Rich


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