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[filmscanners] Re: OT:Great Customer Service

Anthony Atkielski wrote:

> The problem with all these fancy drives and fast processors is that if any
> of the little fans break down, you're dead in the water, with either a
> ruined and unreadable disk drive or a ruined and cooked processor and/or
> motherboard.  I nearly lost my machine yesterday because of that (the CPU
> fan failed, after only one month).

Unfortunately, speed seems to create heat in most of these designs, and
the only way out is cooling methods. Maybe one they create super
conductors that function at room temperature, or quantum based computers
we'll have less fans to deal with.

Then again, I recall the mainframe at the university I attended, and
that I used to program with punch cards, was on a raised cooling
platform with a major air conditioner for the whole room.  If the air
conditioning failed of had to be shut down, the computer could not be
run. In terms of processing power, I suspect that computer was both
slower and less capable than most desktop systems sold today for under
$1000 US.


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