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filmscanners: VueScan cropping

I've got a Nikon LS-40, and after a couple of days of trials I've now
registered VueScan, which seems to be excellent. I'm pleased with Ed's
app, and have already produced some excellent results - particularly
with some shots taken on 800 Fuji film which was left over after I shot
some fireworks a few weeks ago, and which produced scans which were just
too grainy with NikonScan.

In particular, I like the way that once VS is configured batch scanning
is as simple as slipping the negative strip into the scanner, and
walking away. I've got hundreds of scans to do, so previewing each film
strip is simply not practical - once I've got  a scan of sorts of every
image, I can go back and re-scan any particular selections which I want
to use if they need any tweaking.

The only problem I'm having is that the auto-cropping seems to be way
out on some film strips. Some crop perfectly, giving me the precise
image exactly as if I'd done it myself, but others are so far out that
I'm actually getting about 20% of the image chopped off and a chunk of
the adjacent frame appearing in the scan, with the black border
separating them!!! NikoScan hasn't had this problem with any of the
strips it's processed. I've played around with the auto-crop settings,
but to no avail so far. 

So, the question is, how can I get it so that each image scanned has a
whole frame in it? I don't mind if there's some over-scan (i.e., the
frame border is included in the image) as I can crop the individual
images at a later date if I so desire. But when I'm getting frames with
20-25% missing, or even split across two images, it means I'll have to
go back and re-scan the whole strip again - a bit tedious when I've  got
some 200-300 strips in the 'to scan' pile...!

I know this question was asked a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't
find any replies to it. Any tips gratefully appreciated. :-)




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