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filmscanners: NikonScan 3.1.1 still crashes ; no better than 3.1 under W2K/dual CPU. Anyone having any better luck?

You may recall that a few months ago I did some extensive tests on
NikonScan 3.1's crash problems and reported back to the list.

Just tried NikonScan 3.1.1 on my Windows 2000 dual CPU machines.
It still crashes for me on the various test machines I have here.

This was after uninstalling 3.1, rebooted, installing 3.1.1 then rebooting.

As far as I can see, there are no stability improvements in 3.1.1 - if
anything, it is significantly less stable than 3.1 was.

Has anyone, who was having crashes with 3.1 under W2K single or dual CPU,
tried 3.1.1 and had better luck with it?

Or are we to assume - surprise, surprise - that once again Nikon has
proven their inability to write stable software? (sorry - feeling a bit
frustrated here. Grumble grumble...)



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