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filmscanners: Re: Is 2700ppi a limiting factor in sharpness?

At 3:14 PM +1000 11/6/01, Rob Geraghty wrote:
>Obscanning: Has anyone else noticed the difference in sharpness between
>their lenses when scanning films?

        Yes, I've found that a few of my lenses are not as sharp at 
the edges as I thought they were, in particular my Pentax 35-105 
f/3.5 zoom. I first blamed my scanner (Minolta Scan Dual II, 2820 
ppi), but when I looked at the slides with a loupe (8X), sure enough, 
the corners weren't as sharp as the centre.
        On the other hand, I recently got a used 70-210 f/4-f/5.6 AF 
Pentax which scans very well - better than I had originally thought.
        Slides from my Pentax 35mm f/2.8 and 28mm f/2.8 lenses also 
make good scans.

Roger Smith


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