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filmscanners: VueScan and Mac OS 9.x

Hello ,

Has anyone out there managed to get VueScan 7.1.25  ( or 7.1.26 ) working
with the Nikon 4000 ED ?

Ed has been very helpful , but i still cannot get VueScan running.

If i leave the Nikon extensions in then VueScan does not even see the Nikon
scanner , and
if i disable the Nikon extensions then the Mac freezes when i launch
If i remove just the Nikon 4k extensions then the Mac will not finish
booting and
locks up , forcing a reset with the button the front with the Nikon powered

Can anyone help please ?

PS  If any replies off list please send to 

eric.calderwood@btinternet.com <mailto:eric.calderwood@btinternet.com> 

so I can receive them at home , where the scanner is.

Best Regards


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