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filmscanners: Lossless JPEG Rotate ???

I've been using ACDSee for three + years to view my images. It wasn't until 
last night I found out that ACDSee only has lossless JPEG rotate if the 
image is divisible by 16. Not that it makes a difference if your viewing 
full size images from digital cameras, because those pixel dimensions are 
divisible by 16. 1600x1200 or 2048x1536 etc... But I've been sizing my 
images at either 450 or 500 pixels (long dimension) and during a quick test 
I found that ACDSee trimmed my image to be divisible by 16. My CoolPix 
Gallery has 500 pixel JPEGs. I rotated one in ACDSee and found that it was 
trimmed to 496 pixels. I rotated the same image in Photoshop and found that 
it remained full.

Just something to be aware of. If you're going to rotate your sized JPEGs 
for printing and such, be careful.


Larry Berman




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