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RE: filmscanners: High End Scanner Prices

Well the new Minolta 4800 dpi medium format scanner seems to be a very
serious increment on the performance of other prosumer medium format
scanners (principally in terms of resolution and flare judging by the review
at Imaging Resource):


How long can you wait?  Time to fire up the spreadsheet and work some


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
> [mailto:owner-filmscanners@halftone.co.uk]On Behalf Of SKID Photography
> Sent: 21 September 2001 09:50
> To: scanner group; scanner group UK
> Subject: filmscanners: High End Scanner Prices
> We are considering a *huge* (for us) investment on a high end
> scanner, either something like the Scitex
> Eversmart (or one of the new Microtek equivalents) , or the Imacon, or....
> Anyway, my concern is that there is going to be a *HUGE* price
> drop within the next couple of years on this
> type of equipment.  My logical side tells me that the kind of
> equipment that we are looking at is above the
> 'prosumer' level (like the latest Nikon and Polaroid scanners),
> and there is not a big enough market for a
> dramatic price drop.
> What do you guys think?  Any ideas of stuff that's in the
> pipeline that I should know about?
> TIA,
> Harvey Ferdschneider
> partner, SKID Photography, NYC


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