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Re: filmscanners: yet *another* low cost way to avoid the future

John writes:

> This seems to imply that if your computer goes down
> you are out of business.  Not a great prospect.

That is exactly correct, but I have no alternative at present.  Incidentally, a
great many small businesses are in the same boat.  The failure rate for small
businesses (and large businesses) in the first six months after failure of a
mission-critical computer system is very, very high.

The only thing I can do is try to reduce the probability of having a problem.
That's why I run back-ups, keep everything on a UPS, and minimize changes to the
system.  A lot of businesses don't even do that much.

Do you see why I cannot afford to upgrade a scanner unless the new one just
plugs in to the place of the old one?


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