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Re: filmscanners: focusing-scan elite

Mike Duncan wrote:
> >Yes, indeed lack of focusing on some scanners can lead to unacceptably
> >soft scans.
> >
> >It is important to thoroughly read your instruction manual as to how and
> >during what point in the scanning process, the focusing is accomplished.
> >
> Also, it's important to insert the slide or negative the correct way for
> your scanner.  With my Minolta Dual I, is was often difficult to discern.
> Mike Duncan

Funny you should mention this... on the Minolta Dimage Dual II (if I
understand the instructions) suggests you should insert film emulsion
up.  Yet, if I do so, the image is reversed when scanned, and has to be

Since this scanner allows for manual focusing (poorly, I have to
admit... it uses a motor and  the software interface tends to "stick"
and overshoot one way or the other)... anyway, I just place the negs
emulsion down so they scan properly in terms of positioning.

Then again, I've found a number of errors in the printed manual, so who
know what they really meant...



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