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[filmscanners] RE: Flatbeds for 6x6 negs.

> I believe that the problem with
> scanning negs is not the hardware...but the software.  As
> soon as I dumped MagicScan and switched to VueScan, I was and still am as
> happy as a clam scanning 6x6 negs!
> Joyfully,  -david soderman- <><

very true, the evidence is that prosumer scanners have a harder time with
slides than with negs, so the problem must be with the s/w (God bless Ed
By the way, how would you flatbedders rate 6x6 or 6x7 scanned this way
versus 35mm fed to 4000dpi filmscanners? I moved to 6x7 to get better
prints, but haven't decided on a scanner yet, so I'd like to know whether
this new breed of flatbeds is enough to give justice to the higher format or
if I have to start saving my pennies for a true MF filmscanner to see the

awaiting your verdict,
Alessandro Pardi

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