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Re: filmscanners: Polaroid Insight vs. Silverfast AI vs. Vuescan

Thank you, Roger, and that's exactly why I want to learn how to properly use SilverFast AI and HDR. I couldn't figure any of that out at first, though I was led to believe the capability existed in the software, so I just worked with it inside Paint Shop Pro instead, I want all the information that's possible from the scans and don't care about the size of the files--though there is a practical limit for me as my Intel 815 chip only reads 512MB of RAM. I envy those who can put a Gig or three Gigs in there for this purpose--I would in a heartbeat.

Now, though, based on your prior post to this list, I'm also curious about the upgrade. Does this mean I'll have to pay $90 to SilverFast to upgrade my copy of the software which came with the SS4000? I take it they want $45 for both the AI and HDR modules? Do I have that wrong?


It's often easier to make the color corrections with the scanner software rather than with Photoshop (and I assume that also applies to Paint Shop Pro) because scanner software often includes film profiles, which is very helpful in removing the orange mask from color negative film.  But a lot of scanner software can't "read" 48-bit raw files, so you're forced to use Photoshop or equivalent for the color processing.  That's why I like SilverFast HDR since it can read the 48-bit raw files.  I like to create the 48-bit files with SilverFast Ai (I use Insight to create them for my medium format scanner as SilverFast Ai crashes with large files) because I can do the time consuming color correcting with SilverFast HDR days later if I want to, and if I make a mistake with the color correction, I can always go back to the original raw file and start over.  That saves me doing a rescan.  Some people like to "arch! ive" the raw 48-bit files as it has all of the information you can possibly get from the scanner and you might want to process it differently some time later.  I don't do that as medium format scans at 48-bits are about 600 MB in size and take too much storage room.  If you do a good job of color correcting in the 48-bit mode, you can convert to 24-bit little no fear of regrets later.

I think you'd find it easier to use SilverFast HDR to process your raw scans, but if Paint Shop Pro works for you, use it.

In a message dated 12/4/2001 9:22:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, tristanjohn@mindspring.com writes:

I believe you, Maris, but I'm not too swift when it comes to learning the
ins and outs of software. Let me get a handle on SilverFast, then we'll see.

On a different note, I finally did a RAW scan and worked with it in Paint
Shop Pro  until the result matched my mind's eye of what the scene looked
like when I tripped the shutter. Up until now I exported TIFF files
exclusively from Insight. Do others here work with RAW images? What are
your results? I kind of like it.



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