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filmscanners: Quick Take on NikonScan 3.11

I installed NikonScan 3.11 last night and made about a dozen scans with it. 
I'm happy to report that it didn't crash even one time! NS 3.1 used to 
crash at least one out of every three to four times that I used it whether 
in stand-alone mode or as a PS 6.0 TWAIN plug-in.

I'm running a dual P3 Dell Workstation under Windows 2000/SP2.

Cary Enoch Reinstein aka Enoch's Vision, Inc., Peach County, Georgia
http://www.enochsvision.com/, http://www.bahaivision.com/ -- "Behind all 
these manifestations is the one radiance, which shines through all things. 
The function of art is to reveal this radiance through the created object." 
~Joseph Campbell


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