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Re: filmscanners: Recommended Reading - Film Scanners/Silverfast

At 7:07 AM -0400 9-10-01, GNUNEMAKER@aol.com wrote:
>We have recently acquired the SS4000 and would like to gain as much knowledge
>as possible on how to best utilize the equipment.  We are experienced
>photographers and have utilized flatbed scanners and more recently Photoshop
>6.0.  Are there any good textbooks on film scanners or Silverfast that the
>list would recommend.

There are two aspects to consider:  First how to get the most out of 
the scanner and into the computer, and second how to make the most of 
it once you've got it.

For the second issue I highly recommend "Photoshop Restoration and 
Retouching" by Katrin Eismann.


Bill Fernandez  *  User Interface Architect  *  Bill Fernandez Design

(505) 346-3080  *  bill@billfernandez.com  *  http://billfernandez.com


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