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Re: filmscanners: Do I need Digital ICE? & Scanner selection Advice

> You don't need ICE for slides (in my experience).  Even from one-hour
labs, they
> usually come back clean enough that you can fix any dust yourself in
> The defects are usually tiny dark specks.  Scratches are extremely rare.
> > I have heard many Pro's for getting a scanner
> > with Digital ICE, but I am also reading some CON's,
> > i.e. no improvement when using ICE, not needed
> > if no scratches on slides, ICE not needed if using
> > Vuescan (which I am considering buying).
> ICE is probably an unnecessary feature for slides.

It's equally useful for both slides and negs. ICE doesn't do much that you
can't do manually in Photoshop. It certainly isn't necessary, but the main
reason for ICE, IMO, is to save time. And it does save alot of time. Even if
you only scan a few slides per day, ICE will save you hours per week.


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