On Tue, 17 Jul 2001 09:51:17 -0400 Norman Unsworth
(unsworth_norman@aclink.org) wrote:
> I don't get it, Tony (and don't have a clue about what you're saying
> about
> the technical stuff).
The coloured dye is, as far as I know, an anti halation coating. Most films
have this, a special layer to stop light being reflected off the base back
into the emulsion and causing a 'halo' around bright parts of the image.
> What's normal about prints with a pinkish cast?
That is a lab cock-up, a separate issue. If they are printing on colour
paper, they have to use filters to cancel the residual dye colour. It's
difficult to get a properly neutral greyscale, just as it is printing RGB
scans of monochrome negs via inkjet. Usually C41 prints come out looking
rather sepia from T400CN and XP2 as a result, but I have seen green and
blue variants as well as pink:)
> The
> negs seem perfectly fine - my scans don't have a trace of pink (even
> using a
> generic color negative setting for film type). I haven't played with
> them a
> great deal but grain seems minimal, as the literature promises.
Yup, it is amazing film, and I have had experienced Art Eds query whether
shots done on 35mm T400CN were medium format.
Vuesmart's B&W setting for 400CN works well. Or you can scan at 16bit RGB
and convert to grayscale later in PS.
Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info
& comparisons