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Re: filmscanners: LED Illumination for Film Scanners

Give it a rest, guys.  Please.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Austin Franklin" <darkroom@ix.netcom.com>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 5:11 PM
Subject: RE: filmscanners: LED Illumination for Film Scanners

| > Austin went just a bit over the edge with that 1000
| > hour MTBF figure.
| I don't know quite what you meant by that comment.  It comes across that
| believe I am somehow making up the 1000 hour number I cited?  Why on earth
| would I do that?
| Here is the product spec I got that information from:
| http://www.darkroom.com/MiscDocs/StanleyLEDTestData.jpg
| The sheet says that 1000 Hrs. is what they GUARANTEE for "Operating Life"
| given the test conditions they state.  That's what any designer is going
| design it to unless they do their own MTBF tests.
| There is no doubt that there are LEDs available that (according to the
| manufacturers) have far longer MTBF, but since no one here knows what LEDs
| Nikon used, we don't know what the MTBF for the LEDs Nikon used is.  You
| cite all the specs you want, but unless you cite the spec for that LED
| used you really don't know.
| Do you know that the MTBF numbers you cited, were for a similar type of
| that would be used by the Nikon?
| > I suppose if you figure in hard mechanical
| > shock (like in Austin's Land Rover) the
| > numbers might go down a bit.  Time to fix
| > the potholes in your driveway, Austin,
| > or get new shock absorbers for that beast.
| It's a Range Rover, the shocks are fine (relatively new gas Bilsteins) and
| my driveway doesn't have "pot holes" it does get washed out during heavy
| rainstorms.  Luckily, I have a tractor with a grader to take care of it
| someone complains enough.


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