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Re: filmscanners: RE: OT UK Copyright Issues

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:34:30 -0000  Cooke, Julie (CookeJ@logica.com) wrote:

> Does anyone know about UK copyright regarding buildings/land marks. I've
> heard that the Lloyds Building is copyrighted and you are not allowed to
> sell photographs of it. Although I've been unable to find any information
> which tells me this?

Untrue. There is no ability to copyright buildings in UK. So long as you 
photograph from the public street, no problem. I have photographed inside and 
out with permission and no stipulations re publication were imposed. I have 
also photographed it from the street without permission, and none of the 
security blokes batted an eyelid. Which is odd, really, as we were jumping a 
huge BMW GS850 motorycle off the courtyard steps opposite :-)

> I've also heard recently of a Formula One web site being sued for having
> photos of Formula One cars on it.

*Whose* photos was probably the issue.

> I've read the book Beyond The Lens, which has a chapter on copyright but
> where is the specific information about buildings/places that cannot be
> photographed?

In brief : in UK, anywhere visible from the public roadway, not subject to 
bye-laws prohibiting photography, not private property, not invading privacy. 
Copyright doesn't come into any of this.


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info & 


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