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Re: filmscanners: cleaning neg's, sharpening

Mark wrote:

> Bear in mind that if you use anything but 'unexposed' distilled water as a
cleaning agent, you are in fact using carbonic acid..!

That's true, and here's a quick way to get distilled water other than going
to the supermarket:
If you're using a dehumidifier in your house (or if your 'fridge uses one),
the stuff in the drain-pan is distilled water. It could contain dust or mold
spores if it isn't shielded, but it's pretty much H2O and won't have
much-if-any other contaminants (as long as it hasn't sat there for long, as
Mark implies).

BTW, if you go to the supermarket for your water, don't use the "Pure Spring
Water" drinkable stuff to wash negs--it's got little disolved rocks in it,
like you wouldn't believe! :-)

Best regards--LRA

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