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RE: filmscanners: Re: Scanning problems

> I tried this on a 50 MB tiff image. After following your instruction, the
> histogram shows a single spike adjacent to the left border of the
> histogram
> box directly above the black arrow. Adjusting the levels arrows doesn't do
> anything. All the subtracted pixels are black. What am I doing wrong?

One possible problem when doing the comparison between the original and the
JPEG version is that Photoshop retains the original until the image has been
closed.  Make sure that you close the image after saving the JPEG, otherwise
you end up comparing the TIFF with itself.

If you do:
0) Open TIFF
1) Save as JPEG
2) Open TIFF
3) Compare
you will get no difference.

You need to:
0) Open TIFF
1) Save as JPEG
2) Close JPEG
3) Open JPEG
4) Open TIFF
5) Compare


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