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На: На: На: [inet-admins] Modems for Cisco 3640

> Несколько раз уже участники данного ответвления дискуссии обещали закрыть
> тему и все никак не решатся это сделать... :)
> Попросим же их.... :)
Можно я еще пару булыжников (последних, хотя есть еще большая куча) в тот-же огородик? Ж;-))

Это для все-же собирающихся...

Вот такой ОСПФ ныне у ТриждыКомом:
OSPF The following is a list of OSPF limits.
n The Total Control Hub can not be configured as an Area Border Router
n Support for a single area only (Configure default area ID)
n A database overflow mechanism is not supported
n Configuration of a default send policy is not supported on an
Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR)
n a maximum of 64 IP addresses (networks) can be assigned for each
physical Ethernet interface when using OSPF.
n We recommend that the the HiPer ARC not be allowed to become a
Designated Router (DR). To ensure that your HiPer ARC does not
become a DR, set the router priority of all broadcast interfaces on all
HiPer ARCs to zero (0) with the following command:
set ospf interface <ip_address> router_priority 0

Where <ip_address> is the ip address of the ospf interface.
Point-to-Point with
OSPF over PPP and Frame Relay un-numbered Point-to-Point operates
slightly different than with RIP.
a You can not use an internal IP network with OSPF un-numbered
Point-to-Point LAN-LAN routing.
An Internal IP network does not work with OSPF. There is no way to
configure the internal IP network to be an OSPF interface, that means
the internal IP network is outside the OSPF routing domain. If you
choose the IP address of an internal IP network as the IP Host Address
of the HiperARC, no routers (other than its directly connected
neighbor over this un-numbered Point-to-Point link) will have a route
to this network.
b Since the IP address used for the un-numbered interface is the IP HOST
Address of the system, you must make sure that the IP HOST Address
comes from the IP network which has been configured to run the
OSPF protocol.
IP Routing Table The IP routing table limit is 3500 entries. (The maximum number of
destinations in the routing table is 3500.)
(завалился на ~1000 роутов)
Ну и т.д. и т.п. смешное в прочтении и еще более смешное в действии...
Грррр.... Как меня его <сенсоред> конфиг достал сегодня (вчера), простите великодушно...

За сим пока все, завязываем.
Мнэ... Не советую граждане, нэ советую... (с) почти бегемот

Good luck !
 Andrey Zimin | AVZ7-RIPE
           MTU-Intel ISP
        Moscow, Russia

"inet-admins" Internet access mailing list. Maintained by East Connection ISP.
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