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[inet-admins] DNS problems

Всем привет,

Думаю, это интересно многим.

Информация по поводу проблем с DNS сегодня.


msg from internic

-----------InterNIC's Message-----------------

 Yes we did have a problem with corrupted data last night.

 The serial number 001 is the accurate replacement for 000 if
 you are trying to discover if you are viewing the updates yet.

 COM. and NET. zone files were corrupted.

 a-g were affected by this corruption, h-i did not take the
 corrupted update (perhaps they're otherwise broken), and j-m
 do not serve the affected zones.

 a was finally corrected at 6:55am, and admins of b-g
 were asked to reload their zones.

--------- End InterNIC's Message ----------


Ilya Shulman   ish@east.ru        +7-095-956-4951
East Connection ISP, Moscow, Russia. http://www.east.ru
"inet-admins" Internet access mailing list. Maintained by East Connection ISP.
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