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[filmscanners] Re: Vuescan - slightly OffTopic

>  David & Austin
>> And I thought I was the only one who didn't care about zooms!

I've never owned a zoom for more than a week - none of them are as sharp as
any prime lens I've owned, from Olympus and Nikon, to Leica and Contax.  And
just to put the fox in the hen house, I will maintain that although I am now
using Contax equipment, Leica lenses are sharper - slightly - than Zeiss,
and, Leica and Zeiss are better than anything I've ever seen from anyone
else (that data is about 5 years old however). I do like the color a bit
better with Zeiss lenses.

Every now and then I try one, but until my eyes get much worse, I doubt that
I'll ever keep a zoom.  As Austin notes, with 35 you really need all you can
get from a lens.

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