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[filmscanners] Re: Vuescan - slightly OffTopic

John Mahany wrote:

> Why would you want to, Al?  Your camera will have already scanned the
> image and produced the digital file.  You will then have to process
> the raw file using Canon's software or, even better something like
> Breeze Browser to convert it to tif so that your editing software can
> read it (unless you have Photoshop CS).

I'm sure that in 99% of cases the in-camera conversion would be better than I
could ever manage.  (I'm no Photoshop wiz.)  However, I'd like the option to
keep all 12 bits - just in case!

I might be wrong on this but, as far as I know, RAW camera files are the only
way of keeping all the bits since both Jpeg and Tiff ouput from compact
digicams is only 8 bit.

Al Bond

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