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[filmscanners] RE: 8 bit versus 16

Bert, I'm with you. These guys must be smoking dope besides having poor
color discrimination. This exchange is hilarious.

Frank Paris

> -----Original Message-----
> From: filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk
> [mailto:filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk] On Behalf Of Robert Logan
> Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 2:14 PM
> To: frankparis@comcast.net
> Subject: [filmscanners] Re: 8 bit versus 16
> Arthur Entlich wrote:
> > I don't think anyone is trying to talk you out of making
> and storing
> > 16 bit scans.
> Good. Thats where I am.
> > If you have the time to work with that large a file,
> > and the disk space or other storage to do so, then go and do it.
> Thanks.
> > wonder what you'll be doing when 32 bit ability becomes available
> Hopefully not rescanning all my negatives, and moping around
> listening to tired old arguments. As ever, I'll be hoping
> someone else tests it and finds it flaws. And someone else
> decrys 32 bit as too much, and 4 bit as just right.
> > I think the problem is your theory doesn't actually hold any water,
> > and since there are a lot of neophytes and newcomers to digital
> > scanning on this list, who are impressionable,
> God yes, you are right. Lets make sure they get the facts,
> the facts and the facts. Not just your view which is pallid.
> You are telling me that there is no point in using 16 bit,
> yet working with grayscale there is! And the colour
> separations on RGB (the 256 colour 8 bit ones, are fine to
> work on) - yet not on B&W. P.T. who?
> > I see my job here is
> > simply to warn them that the information you are suggesting is
> > basically without merit and that they need not follow a
> path that just
> > wastes their time and resources (unless of course, they want to).
> Or they might want to follow youre religion, and miss out on
> enlightenment. Sigh. Funny how technology and its use makes
> people descend into these petty mailing list melees.
> > Far be it from me to tell someone so entrenched how to do their
> > scanning. ;-)
> Entrenched .. no bloody way, Im just right ;)
> bert
> --
> Linux - reaches the parts that other beers fail to reach.
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