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[filmscanners] B & W - Tips required...

Hi List...

Have done some B & W (Tri-X) portraits of a friend'd daughter which she
needs to send out to agents... she's into theatre. She lives in NY and is
here (India) on a holiday. I'll be scanning the negs - plan to scan in RGB
at 14 (16) bit depth on a Nikon 4000ED - and touching up the pix. Putting
them on a CD and couriering them to her in the US. She'll then get the
prints made there. That's the background... the questions are as follows:

1/ Should i keep the files as RGB or convert to grayscale?
2/ What dpi/ppi should i keep the files (8 x 10 inch prints)?
3/ Would it be better (cost effective and quality) for her to take them to a
service bureau or print them out herself on the proper paper? She's not so
computer savvy but has contacts who could probably help her.
4/ Any other suggestions are welcome :)



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