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[filmscanners] firewire config (Nik 8000 with Epson 1680)


I just relocated and am hooking up my system.  I'd like to finally dispose
of a minor problem.

I have two scanners, Nikon 8000 and Epson 1680.  Both are firewire, both
hooked up directly from their respective outputs via firewire cable to
individual firewire terminals on the back of my W2000P computer, using TI
firewire card with three input terminals.  No other firewire devices hooked
up.  Latest W2000P drivers in all.  No XP drivers installed.

If I turn on the Nikon alone, it is not seen by the system (verified in
'scanners' directory in Control Panel).  If I turn on the Epson and the
Nikon, both are seen by the system.  If I turn on the Epson alone, it is
seen.  If I turn on both, then turn off the Epson, the Nikon remains
detected by the system until I turn the system off, unless I turn the Nikon
off in and then on again.

I have tried daisy chaining the scanners, and it makes no difference.  The
Epson (which was my first scanner installed) has to be on for the Nikon to
be detected.  I know SCSI and firewire can both be set up daisy chained, but
I don't know if they are always chained if more than one device is present,
and I don't know if all the devices have to be on for the drivers to be

Both scanners work fine, no software or hardware problems other than as

Comments or advice?

Ted Gosfield

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