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Re: filmscanners: VueScan tutorial?

I suggest reading Vuescan's own Help file right through,
using the Browse buttons (>>). It's concise, and everything
is there. I think there are fewer than 50 pages, and quite a
few of those are details of scanners, so it doesn't take
long. If you have a raw scan file saved on disk, you can
experiment with it at the same time to observe the effects
of the controls.

Alan T

----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen <slb1@humboldt1.com>
To: Film Scanner <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2001 12:25 AM
Subject: filmscanners: VueScan tutorial?

> Sorry if this is a repeat question.  Is there a VueScan
posted step-by-step
> tutorial somewhere on the net.............


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