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RE: filmscanners: Nikon 8000ED

Title: RE: filmscanners: Nikon 8000ED


The Sprintscan 120 does not come bundled with any interface cards. I would describe PolaColor Insight as a easy to use, get up and running quickly scanner software. In scanner software nirvana using a scale of 1 through 10 I would say Insight will take you to a 6 or 7. Silverfast is a little harder to use but much more powerful. Its unsharp mask in particular is much better than Photoshop’s as it works on luminance only not saturation. It will do things that Insight will never do. I think that the general industry perception is Silverfast and Lino Color are the two best scanner software package’s from a power point of view. The Imacon software is also pretty good. ( I do try to stay relatively unbiased).

Any further questions feel free to contact be on list or directly.




-----Original Message-----
From: Wilson, Paul [mailto:PWilson@gomez.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 4:43 PM
To: 'filmscanners@halftone.co.uk'
Subject: RE: filmscanners: Nikon 8000ED


My SS120 should also be here by Friday.  In fact, I'll have both scanners for the weekend so I'll try to do some good comparisons.  If it's as good as everyone says and I save $200 (paid $2600 for the lesser package, paid $2800 for the LS8000), I'll be very happy.

Can anyone answer the following?:
- What does Binuscan and Silverfast get me over the standard software?
- does the SS120 come with a IEEE1394 card?

Paul Wilson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lawrence Smith [mailto:lsmith@lwsphoto.com]
> Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 3:37 PM
> To: filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
> Subject: RE: filmscanners: Nikon 8000ED
> My 120 is on it's way and I'm going to do some tests over the weekend.
> Overall, I'm conviced that the 8000 is not ready for prime
> time (although
> the Nikon folks would beg to differ).  Although ICE is nice, I'm more
> interested in the sharpest scans with the best shadow detail
> I can get.  ICE
> ain't going to do that for me.  I still have a LS2000 so if I
> have nasty 35
> slides, I can use that machine.  My medium format slides and negs are
> pristine so ICE is less of an issue with them...  Will provide my
> impressions in a few days.
> Lawrence
> >
> > If SS120 users came to list singing its praises every day you
> > would smell a
> > rat and call for the exterminator :-)
> >
> >


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