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RE: filmscanners: Another Mission Completed

I have been using "Clamshell" CD cases which are thinner still.

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Arthur Entlich [mailto:artistic@ampsc.com] 
Sent:   Thursday, May 10, 2001 9:18 PM
To:     filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
Subject:        Re: filmscanners: Another Mission Completed

There are now "slim" jewel cases which are nearly 1/2 the width of the 
original design, which some manufacturers are packing the disks in.

I do use the slip sheets for ones I use regularly, and for CDs (as 
opposed to CD-Rs), but not for archival stuff.

In the end, probably the most important issue is which type of disks 
were used.


Rob Geraghty wrote:

> "John Matturri" <jmatturr@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> I'm curious how you, or others, store their cds.
> I have some folders with CD slip-sheets which I'm storing them in.
> Keeps them in a much more compact state than normal jewel cases.
> Rob


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